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Dawnswyr Chloe

Dawnsio i neud ni'n hapus.
Dance to make us happy.

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Amdanaf i / About me

Hyfforddwr dawns ymroddedig. 
Dedicated dance instructor.

Rwyf yn caru be dwi wneud ac mae'n wneud i mi deimlo mor falch gallu rhannu fy angerdd hefo eraill. Ers cychwyn fod yn dawnswraig proffesiynol yn 2019, rwyf wedi cael yr braint o helpu gymaint o blant yn darganfod ei sgiliau a galleuoedd naturiol. Os mae hynu yn rywbeth sydd a diddordeb i chi, cysylltwch. 


I love what I do and it makes me incredibly proud to share my passion with others. Since starting as a professional Dance Instructor in 2019, I’ve been privileged to help many children discover natural skills and abilities and reach results they never dreamed were possible. If that sounds like something you’d like to explore, get in touch.

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Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 1GA.


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